Why buy from Gamelooting?
The currencies you’re ordering will actually be delivered within 5-120 minutes time (during our business hours Mon-Sun from 9 a.m.- 0 a.m. German Time), but most time in just few minutes. In rare cases delivery can be delayed up to 24 hours. This way Gamelooting guarantees the fastest delivery service, without having customers to worry about their items. Low prices and fast processing are our highest priority.
How will be the currency delivered?
We deliver exclusively face 2 face, since it provides the safest way for both buyer and seller. It`s important to be online in your specified online time so we can whisper you in the game and can trade with you. Please remember to use a yellow (rare) item for each trade. This is for your security so that a full trade has been completed. It can happen that several suppliers come to you one after the other.
Is it safe to buy currency?
Yes it is safe. There has been no punishment from developers in our entire company history.
What you should never do in the game!
Never write in-game about Gamelooting/real money or orders. This is for your own safety!